Thursday, November 15, 2012

Almost Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving I will truly count my blessings!
Love songs by nature are about gratitude, and my latest is no exception. Coming up on Thanksgiving, I feel like a kid before Christmas. Much of my family will meet much of my Honey's family for the first time. I will be a puddle of emotion, there's no doubt, watching her make a banquet hall of our little castle in the woods, seeing our parents watching us both finally be arm in arm with the love that we have always needed, seeing generations come together under the roof of our sheltering home.

We are both keenly feeling the fortune of having our parents still with us, of watching the children move out into the world in their individual ways, of having brothers and sisters who support and love us, whose lives we support with our own love. With all of this swirling around in my heart, I've written another song, one that only scratches the surface of these emotions, but that's okay. It leaves space for more songs, next time I stay up late, lightly playing, while the love of my life, and the kids, sleep peacefully in the Hollow. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.


"Satisfied" copyright Eric Robbins November 10, 2012

By the sweat of my father, and the blood of my mother,
I've got no call to be faulting the weather, I'm satisfied...
I see the leaves blowing one way, and that crow flies another.
As long as we two are together, I'm satisfied...

    How could I ask for more than I've got, 
    When each day begins with you?
    Got my head all up among the stars,
    And my feet in the morning dew, and I've got you!

The wind blows the world 'round, see the treetops and the whitecaps.
Warmed by the fireplace, and held in your arms, I'm satisfied...
When I know that you're coming home, I wait by those front steps.
I watch over you, and you keep back the storms, I'm satisfied...

Got a roof to hold the snowfall, heavy blankets for that winter chill.
The two of us are safe against the deep December frost, I'm satisfied...
Your heart is my compass rose, to show the way like the stars at night,
Steering every homeward, though once I wandered lost, I'm satisfied...

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